韩明虎Minghu Han



韩明虎教授长期从事包括情绪障碍和药物依赖等神经精神疾病的研究,其研究阐述了在长期应激环境下为什么少数个体罹患抑郁症而大部分个体却能保持身心健康的易感和抗应激的神经机制,发现促进抗应激表型的主动调节机制。Neurophysiological mechanisms of affective disorders and drug addiction; specially, interested in the individual variations in response to stress and alcohol use.


韩明虎教授,现任深圳理工大学生命健康学院精神健康与公共卫生系系主任、讲席教授。曾任西奈山伊坎医学院药理科学系和神经科学系终身教授。韩明虎教授长期从事包括情绪障碍和药物依赖等神经精神疾病的研究,其研究阐述了在长期应激环境下为什么少数个体罹患抑郁症而大部分个体却能保持身心健康的易感和抗应激的神经机制,发现促进抗应激表型的主动调节机制。他的研究鉴定了抑郁症治疗的新药靶点Kv7/KCNQ钾离子通道,目前相关研究已进入临床试验。已发表论文90多篇,其中25篇发表在Cell, Science, Nature, Nature Neuroscience和Nature Communications期刊上,研究工作的总引用量超过14900多次(Google Scholar)。2007年发表于Cell的研究工作,建立了领域内经典的易感和抗应激机制研究的动物模型,被Nature选为该年度20篇重要研究论文之一, 至今已被引用2400多次。他曾获得中国上海自然科学奖一等奖,中国教育部自然科学奖一等奖,美国精神分裂症和抑郁症研究联盟(NARSAD)青年科学家奖,NARSAD独立科学家奖,国际脑健康研究组织(IMHRO)转化医学研究科学之星奖,伊坎医学院Lamport奖,学院理事会奖,以及美国精神疾病联盟(NAMI)卓越研究奖, 是生物精神病学杂志(Biological Psychiatry)十佳评审专家。现为美国神经精神药理学院(ACNP)和国际神经精神药理学院(CINP)当选会士(Fellow)。














生物精神病学杂志(Biological Psychiatry)十佳评审专家




已发表论文100多篇,其中25篇发表在Cell, Science, Nature, Nature Neuroscience和Nature Communications期刊上,研究工作的总引用量超过14900多次(Google Scholar)。


1. Krishnan V*,Han MH*, Graham DL, Berton O, Renthal W, Russo SJ, LaPlant Q, Graham A,Lutter M, Lagace DC, Ghose S, Reister R, Tannous P, Green TA, Neve RL, Chakravarty S,Kumar A, Eisch AJ, Self DW, Lee FS, Tamminga C, Cooper DC, Gershenfeld HK and Nestler EJ:Molecular adaptations underlying susceptibility and resistance to social defeat in brain reward regions.Cell, 131(2):391-404, 2007.[*Co-first author; Cited over 2,300 times]

Previews:“How mice cope with stressful social situations” inCell131:232-234, 2007

Research Highlights:“Resisting stress” inNature Reviews Neuroscience8:909, 2007

Nature 2007 Research Highlights: “Active resilience” inNature450:1130-1133, 2007

2. Cao JL, Vialou VF, Lobo MK, Robison AJ, Neve RL, Cooper DC, Nestler EJ andHan MH†:Essential role of the cAMP-cAMP response-element binding protein pathway in opiate-induced homeostatic adaptations of locus coeruleus neurons.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 107(39):17011-17016, 2010. [†Corresponding author]

3. Lobo MK, Covington III HE, Chaudhury D, Friedman AK, Sun HS, Damez-Werno D, Dietz D, Zaman S, Koo JW, Kennedy PJ, Mouzon E, Mogri M, Neve RL, Deisseroth K,Han MHand Nestler EJ: Cell type-specific loss of BDNF signaling mimics optogenetic control of cocaine reward.Science, 330(6002):385-389, 2010.

4. Cao JL, Covington III HE, Friedman AK, Wilkinson MB, Walsh JJ, Cooper DC, Nestler EJ and Han MH†: Mesolimbic dopamine neurons in the brain reward circuit mediate susceptibility to social defeat and antidepressant action.The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(49):16453-16458, 2010. [†Corresponding author] This Week in The Journal: “Social defeat stress increases bursting in dopaminergic neurons” inThe Journal of Neuroscience30: i-i∙i, 2010

5. Koo JW, Mazei-Robison M, Chaudhury D, Juarez B, LaPlant Q, Ferguson D, Feng J, Sun H, Scobie KN, Damez-Werno D, Grumiller M, Ohnishi YN, Ohnishi YH, Mouzon E, Dietz DM, Lobo MK, Neve RL, Russo SJ,Han MHand Nestler EJ: BDNF is a negative modulator of morphine action.Science, 338(6103):124-8, 2012.

6. Chaudhury D, Walsh JJ, Friedman AK, Juarez B, Ku SM, Koo JW, Ferguson D, Tsai HC, Pomeranz L, Christoffel D, Nectow AR, Ekstrand M, Domingos A, Mazie-Robison M, Mouzon E, Lobo MK, Neve RL, Friedman JM, Russo SJ, Deisseroth K, Nestler EJ andHan MH†: Rapid regulation of depression-related behaviours by control of midbrain dopamine neurons.Nature, 493(7433):532-6, 2013. [†Corresponding author] Leading Edge Select: “Defeating depression”.Cell, 152:663, 2013. This Week in Techniques:SciBX6(2), doi:10.1038/scibx.2013.49. 17 Jan 2013. Faculty 1000: Recommended by Anthony Grace and Kathryn Gill, 08 Feb 2013.

7. Walsh JJ, Friedman AK, Sun H, Heller EA, Ku SM, Juarez B, Burnham VL, Mazei-Robison M, Ferguson D, Golden SA, Koo JW, Chaudhury D, Christoffel DJ, Pomeranz L, Friedman JM,Russo SJ, Nestler EJ andHan MH†: Stress and CRF gate neural activation of BDNF in the mesolimibic reward pathway.Nature Neuroscience, 17(1):27-9, 2014. [†Corresponding author]

8. Friedman AK, Walsh JJ, Juarez B, Ku MS, Chaudhury D, Wang J, Li X, Dietz DM, Pan N, Vialou VF, Neve RL, Yue Z andHan MH†: Enhancing depression mechanisms in midbrain dopamine neurons achieves homeostatic resilience.Science, 344(6181):313-9, 2014.[†Corresponding author]

This Week in Techniques:SciBX7(20), doi:10.1038/scibx.2014.588. 22 May 2014.

Faculty 1000: Recommended by Anthony Grace, 30 May 2014.

Research Highlights: “Becoming resilient”.Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Volume 15,

June 2014.

9. Friedman AK,Juarez B, Ku SM, Zhang HX, Calizo RC, Walsh JJ, Chaudhury D, Zhang S,Hawkins A, Dietz DM, Murrough JW, Ribadeneira M, Wong EH, Neve RL andHan MH†:KCNQ channel openers reverse depressive symptoms via an active resilience mechanism.Nature Communications, 7:11671, 2016. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11671. [†Corresponding author]

10. Calipari ES*, Juarez B*, Morel C, Walker DM, Cahill ME, Ribeiro E, Roman-Ortiz C,Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K,Han MH† and Nestler EJ†: Dopaminergic dynamics underlying sex-specific cocaine reward.Nature Communications, 8:13877, 2017. doi:

10.1038/ncomms13877. [*Contributed equally; †Corresponding authors]

11. Nectow AR, Schneeberger M, Zhang H, Field BC, Renier N, Azevedo E, Patel B, Liang Y, Mitra S, Tessier-Lavigne M,Han MHand Friedman JM: Identification of a brainstem circuit controlling feeding.Cell, 170(3):429-442, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.06.045.

12. Juarez B, Morel C, Ku SM, Liu Y, Zhang H, Montgomery S, Gregoire H, Ribeiro E, Crumiller M, Roman-Ortiz C, Walsh JJ, Jackson K, Croote D, Zhu Y, Zhang S, Vendruscolo LF, EdwardsS, Roberts A,Hodes G, Lu Y, Calipari ES, Chaudhury D, Friedman AK andHan MH†: Midbrain circuit regulation of individual alcohol drinking behaviors in mice.Nature Communications, 8(1):2220, 2017. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02365-8. [†Corresponding author]

13. Zhang HX, Chaudhury D, Nectow AR, Friedman AK, Zhang S, Juarez B, Liu H, Pfau ML,Aleyasin H, C Jiang, Crumiller M, Calipari ES, Ku SM, Morel C, Tzavaras N, Montgomery SE,He M, Salton SR, Russo SJ, Nestler EJ, Friedman JM, Cao JL† andHan MH†: Alpha1 and beta3 adrenergic receptor-mediated mesolimbic homeostatic plasticity confers resilience to social stress in susceptible mice.Biological Psychiatry, 85(3):226-236, 2019. doi:10.1016/ j.biopsych.2018.08.020. [†Corresponding authors]

14. Morel C, Montgomery S andHan MH†: SK channels: Key circuit determinant for stress-induced amygdala dysfunction.Biological Psychiatry, 85(10):784-786, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.03.971. [†Corresponding author]

15. Koo JW, Chaudhury D,Han MH† and Nestler EJ†: Role of mesolimbic brain-derived neurotrophic factor in depression.Biological Psychiatry, 2019 Nov 15; 86(10):738-748.doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.05.020. [†Corresponding authors]

16. Tan A, Costi S, Morris LS, Van Dam NT, Kautz M, Whitton AE, Friedman AK, Collins KA,Ahle G, Chada N, Do B, Pizzagalli DA, Iosifescu DV, Nestler EJ,Han MHand Murrough JW:Effects of the KCNQ channel opener ezogabine on functional connectivity of the ventralstriatum and clinical symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder.Molecular Psychiatry, 25(6):1323-1333, 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0283-2.Clinical Trial.

17. Costi S, Morris LS, Kirkwood KA, Hoch M, Corniquel M, Vo-Le B, Iqbal T, Chadha N,Pizzagalli DA, Whitton A, Bevilacqua L, Jha MK, Ursu S, Swann AC, Collins KA, Salas R,Bagiella E, Parides MK, Stern ER, Iosifescu DV,Han MH, Mathew SJ and Murrough JW:Impact of the KCNQ2/3 channel opener ezogabine on reward circuit activity and clinical symptoms in depression: results from a randomized controlled trial.The American Journal of Psychiatry, 178(5):437-446, 2021. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2020.20050653. Clinical Trial.

18. Haynes SH andHan MH†: A novel role for hypothalamic AgRP neurons mediate depressive behavior.Trends in Neurosciences, 44(4):243-246, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2021.02. 005. [†Corresponding author]

19. Morel C, Montgomery SE, Li L, Durand-de Cuttoli R, Teichman EM, Juarez B, Tzavaras N, Ku SM, Flanigan ME, Cai M, Walsh JJ, Russo SJ, Nestler EJ, Calipari ES, Friedman AK and Han MH†: Midbrain projection to the basolateral amygdala encodes anxiety-like but not depression-like behaviors.Nature Communications, 13(1):1532, 2022. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29155-1. [†Corresponding author]

20. Montgomery SE, Li L, Russo SJ, Calipari ES, Nestler EJ, Morel C† andHan MH†:Mesolimbic neural response dynamics predict future individual alcohol drinking in mice.Biological Psychiatry, 2023 Dec 5:S0006-3223(23)01748-1. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.11.019 [†Corresponding authors]

英文名 Minghu Han 首字母 H
学系 精神健康与公共卫生系 岗位 讲席教授
职称-职务 精神健康与公共卫生系系主任、讲席教授 前海外职称-职务 美国西奈山伊坎医学院终身教授
邮箱 hanmh@siat.ac.cn 座右铭 自强不息,厚德载物;淡泊明志,宁静致远
介绍一 现任深圳理工大学生命健康学院精神健康与公共卫生系执行系主任、讲席教授 介绍二 长期从事包括情绪障碍和药物依赖等神经精神疾病的研究